Content Showcase: Math Vocabulary



Media4Math has a visual math dictionary of key terms and definitions of hundreds of math terms. This collection of resources includes images that you can easily incorporate into your lesson plans. 

Scroll down to see an alphabetical listing of all the terms. Or click on this link to see the terms organized by collection.



Number of Resources: 1201
Thumbnail Image Description Curriculum Topic

Definition--Absolute Value

Definition--AbsoluteValue.jpg Definition--Absolute Value

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Absolute Value Function

Definition--AbsoluteValueFunctions.jpg Definition--Absolute Value Function

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Special Functions

Definition--Math Properties--Addition Property of Equality

Definition--Math Properties--Addition Property of Equality Definition--Math Properties--Addition Property of Equality

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Additive Inverse

Definition--AdditiveInverse.jpg Definition--Additive Inverse

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions


Definition--Algebra.jpg Definition--Algebra

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Algebraic Fraction

Definition--AlgebraicFraction.jpg Definition--Algebraic Fraction

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Algebra Tiles

Definition--AlgebraTiles.jpg Definition--Algebra Tiles

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Algebra Tiles--Expressions and Equations


Definition--Algorithm.jpg Definition--Algorithm

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Addition

Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Addition Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Addition

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Multiplication

Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Multiplication Definition--Math Properties--Associative Property of Multiplication p {font-size:16px;} h2 {font-size:20px;}

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Closure Property

Definition--ClosureProperty_.jpg Definition--Closure Property

This is part of a collection of definitions on the topic of closure. This collection includes closure under the four basic operations, as well as for even numbers, odd numbers, whole numbers, integers, fractions, rational numbers, real number, and complex numbers.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Common Factor

Definition--CommonFactor.jpg Definition--Common Factor

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Addition

Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Addition Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Addition

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Multiplication

Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Multiplication Definition--Math Properties--Commutative Property of Multiplication

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Complex Conjugate

Definition--ComplexConjugate.jpg Definition--Complex Conjugate

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Complex Fraction

Definition--ComplexFraction.jpg Definition--Complex Fraction

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Definition--Complex Number

Definition--ComplexNumber.jpg Definition--Complex Number

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions


Definition--Conjugate.jpg Definition--Conjugate

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Numerical Expressions and Variable Expressions

Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine

Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Decimal System

Definition--DecimalSystem.jpg Definition--Decimal System

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Compare and Order Decimals, Identify Value of Digits and Place Value


Definition--Denominator.jpg Definition--Denominator

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Fractions and Mixed Numbers and Identify and Name Fractions

Definition--Difference of Two Squares

Definition--Difference-of-Two-Squares.jpg Definition--Difference of Two Squares

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.

Polynomial Expressions

Definition--Direct Variation

Definition--Direct-Variation.jpg Definition--Direct Variation

This is part of a collection of math definitions on the more general topic of linear functions and graphs. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Applications of Linear Functions

Definition--Math Properties--Distributive Property

Definition--Math Properties--Distributive Property The Distributive Property

This is part of a collection of definitions about math properties. These downloadable images can easily be incorporated into a lesson plan.

Numerical Expressions

Definition--Math Properties--Identity Element for Addition

Definition--Math Properties--Identity Element for Addition Definition--Math Properties--Identity Element for Addition

This is part of a collection of definitions of math properties.

Numerical Expressions