What Are Domain and Range?


What do drones have to do with domain and range? In this module, students learn about an emerging high-tech delivery system and use that as a vehicle for learning about a function's domain and range. Students will graph data from a table and explore domain and range, and then they graph a continuous function. This highly engaging module will give students a solid understanding of algebraic functions, specifically domain and range.

In this module students will learn the following concepts:

  • Finding the domain and range for a set of coordinates that define a function
  • Finding the domain and range of a continuous function that doesn’t extend to infinity
  • Finding the domain and range of a continuous function that extends to infinity

Math Concepts

  • Functions
  • Graphing Numbers

Learning Objectives

  • Finding the domain and range for a set of coordinates that define a function
  • Finding the domain and range of a continuous function that doesn’t extend to infinity
  • Finding the domain and range of a continuous function that extends to infinity

Prerequisite Skills

  • Understands the basics of linear functions
Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.F.A.1, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.F.A.3
Lesson Duration 20 mins
Grade Range 8th - 10th Grade

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