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Princeton Review

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Showing 61 - 70 of 1534 results

Modeling Integers with Algebra Tiles

In this module model students will learn how to use algebra tiles to model positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero. For this module make sure students have access to set of algebra tiles to use to model integers. Students will then extend their knowledge of integers to learn about matter and anti-matter.

SAT Math Prep--Complex Numbers

In this module there is a complete review of the topic of complex numbers. This module covers six key areas: Definition of an imaginary number, Definition of a complex number, Calculating the modulus of a complex number, Adding and subtracting complex numbers, Multiplying and dividing complex numbers, Complex roots of quadratic equations.

Introduction to Integers

In this module students learn the basics of integers, with plenty of real-world applications to ground their knowledge. Two short videos introduce the topic of integers and how to graph integers on a number line. A real world application of Superconductivity is explored.