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Princeton Review

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Linear Functions: Distance vs. Time

In this lesson students apply their understanding of linear functions to an analysis of distance vs. time functions. In particular students will: Define the function for finding distance given a constant speed. Graph the distance function and interpret slope, y-intercept, domain, and range.

Accident Investigation

When a driver slams the brakes on a car, skid marks are created on the road. Accident investigators can measure the length of the skid marks to estimate the speed of the car. This involves using a quadratic function.

Wildlife Refuge

In this module students use their geometry and algebra skills to analyze a wildlife refuge in Nevada. Calculating the area, perimeter, and the ratio of the two allows students to analyze different configurations for a refuge. Specifically, they look at ways of designing a wild horse refuge, using the concepts they have learned. 

Apple Harvest

In this module students analyze real-world data relating to apple production and consumption. Looking at global and US data, students look at measures of central tendency by analyzing a box-and-whisker plot and later normal distribution graphs.

What Is Function Notation?

Cheetahs can accelerate up to 75 mph and can easily outpace a gazelle. But gazelles have adapted to keep cheetahs at bay long enough to tire them out. We can analyze this phenomenon mathematically through the use of some basic concepts involving functions.

What Are Domain and Range?

What do drones have to do with domain and range? In this module, students learn about an emerging high-tech delivery system and use that as a vehicle for learning about a function's domain and range. Students will graph data from a table and explore domain and range, and then they graph a continuous function. This highly engaging module will give students a solid understanding of algebraic functions, specifically domain and range.