Illustrated Math Dictionary--Polynomial Functions--Example Set 8


Study these examples that show how to factor difference of squares and cubes.

Click the arrows on the bottom to get started

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 1

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 2

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 3

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 4

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 5

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 6

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 7

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 8

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 9

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 10

Math Example--Polynomial Concepts--Difference of Squares and Cubes--Example 11