Student Tutorial: Subtracting Fractions


Learn how to subtract fractions. Watch the video and study the examples.

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Subtracting Decimals: Example 1. Subtracting two decimals to the tenths place, with no regrouping. The numbers have zero in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 2. Subtracting two decimals written to the tenths place, with no regrouping. The numbers have non-zero values in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 3. Subtracting two decimals, with regrouping. The numbers have non-zero values in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 4. Subtracting two decimals written to the hudredths place, with no regrouping. The numbers have non-zero values in the ones place. The numbers have a zero in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 5. Subtracting two decimals written to the hundredths place, with regrouping. The numbers have non-zero values in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 6. Subtracting two decimals written to the hundredths place, with regrouping. The numbers have non-zero values in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 7. Subtracting two decimals, one to the tenths place and the other to the hundredths place, with regrouping. The numbers have azero in the ones place.

Subtracting Decimals: Example 8. Subtracting two decimals, one to the hundredths place and the other to the tenths place, with regrouping. The numbers have azero in the ones place.

Subtracting Fractions Example 1. In this example, two fractions with a common denominator are subtracted. The difference is already in simplified form.

Subtracting Fractions Example 2. In this example, two fractions with a common denominator are subtracted. The difference needs to be simplified.

Subtracting Fractions Example 3. In this example, two fractions with different denominators are subtracted. One denominator is a multiple of the other. The difference does not need simplification.