Content Showcase: Math Vocabulary



Media4Math has a visual math dictionary of key terms and definitions of hundreds of math terms. This collection of resources includes images that you can easily incorporate into your lesson plans. 

Scroll down to see an alphabetical listing of all the terms. Or click on this link to see the terms organized by collection.



Number of Resources: 1201
Thumbnail Image Description Curriculum Topic

Definition--Geometry Basics--Conditional Statement

Definition--Geometry Basics--Conditional Statement Definition--Geometry Basics--Conditional Statement

This collection of clip art images includes image sequences for key topics in geometry. This includes points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Each sequence of images provides an overview of the topic.

Definition of a Point

Definition--Geometry Basics--Converse of a Conditional Statement

Definition--Geometry Basics--Converse of a Conditional Statement Definition--Geometry Basics--Converse of a Conditional Statement

This collection of clip art images includes image sequences for key topics in geometry. This includes points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Each sequence of images provides an overview of the topic.

Definition of a Point

Definition--Geometry Basics--Inverse Statement

Definition--Geometry Basics--Inverse Statement Definition--Geometry Basics--Inverse Statement

This collection of clip art images includes image sequences for key topics in geometry. This includes points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Each sequence of images provides an overview of the topic.

Definition of a Point

Definition--Geometry Basics--Contrapositive Statement

Definition--Geometry Basics--Contrapositive Statement Definition--Geometry Basics--Contrapositive Statement

This collection of clip art images includes image sequences for key topics in geometry. This includes points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Each sequence of images provides an overview of the topic.

Definition of a Point

Definition--Geometry Basics--Conjecture

Definition--Geometry Basics--Conjecture Definition--Geometry Basics--Conjecture

This collection of clip art images includes image sequences for key topics in geometry. This includes points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons. Each sequence of images provides an overview of the topic.

Definition of a Point

Definition--Cardinal Numbers

Definition--Cardinal Numbers

This is part of a collection of math definitions from Media4Math's Visual Glossary.


Definition--Ordinal Numbers

Definition--Ordinal Numbers

This is part of a collection of images that cover key vocabulary on a variety of math topics.


Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Sum Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Sum Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Sum Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Difference Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Difference Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Cosine Difference Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Sum Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Sum Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Sum Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Difference Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Difference Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Sine Difference Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Sum Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Sum Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Sum Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Difference Identity

Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Difference Identity Definition--Trig Concepts--Tangent Difference Identity

This is part of a collection of terms and definitions related to trigonometry concepts.

Trig Expressions and Identities

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Exterior Angle Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Exterior Angle Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Exterior Angle Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SSS Postulate

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SSS Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SSS Postulate

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Similarity Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Similarity Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--SAS Similarity Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--ASA Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--ASA Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--ASA Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of an Angle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAS Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAS Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAS Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAA Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAA Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--AAA Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Triangle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--HL Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--HL Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--HL Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Right Triangles

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Pythagorean Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Pythagorean Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Pythagorean Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Right Triangles

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Perpendicular Bisector Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Perpendicular Bisector Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Perpendicular Bisector Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of a Line

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Alternate Interior Angles Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of an Angle

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Corresponding Angles Theorem

Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Corresponding Angles Theorem Definition--Theorems and Postulates--Converse of the Corresponding Angles Theorem

This is part of a collection of definitions of geometric theorems and postulates.

Definition of an Angle