Illustrative Math-Media4Math Alignment



Illustrative Math Alignment: Grade 8 Unit 3

Linear Equations and Linear Systems

Lesson 15: Writing Systems of Equations

Use the following Media4Math resources with this Illustrative Math lesson.

Thumbnail Image Title Body Curriculum Topic
Collection Systems of Equations: Algebra Applications Videos Here is a collection of videos that show real-world applications of Systems of Equations. Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Collection Systems of Equations: Video Transcripts Here are the video transcripts for the video resources around Systems of Equations. Applications of Linear Systems, Matrix Operations and Solving Systems of Equations
Collection Systems of Equations: Texas Instruments Graphing Calculator Videos Here are various resources that utilize Texas Instruments graphing calculator technology to explore the topic of Systems of Equations. Solving Systems of Equations and Matrix Operations
Collection Systems of Equations: Promethean Flipcharts Here is a collection of Promethean Flipcharts around the topic of Systems of Equations. Applications of Linear Systems
Collection Systems of Equations: Worksheets Here are some worksheets around the topic of Systems of Equations. Solving Systems of Equations and Matrix Operations
Collection Systems of Equations: Instructional Resources Here are a collection of PowerPoint presentations that cover various subtopics in Systems of Equations. Solving Systems of Equations and Applications of Linear Systems
Collection Systems of Equations: Quizlet Flash Cards Here is a collection of Quizlet Flash Card sets around the topic of Systems of Equations. Solving Systems of Equations
Collection Systems of Equations: Basic Terms and Definitions These are key terms and definitions around the topic of Systems of Linear Equations. Solving Systems of Equations, Applications of Linear Systems and Matrix Operations
Math Worksheets Math Worksheet Collection: Solving Linear Systems


This collection aggregates all the math worksheets around the topic of Solving Linear Systems. There are a total of 4 worksheets. Each worksheet includes an answer key. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable PDF files that you can easily incorporate into your instruction.


To download the full set of these resources, click on this link.


Solving Systems of Equations
Math Videos Math Video Collection: Algebra Applications Video Series: Systems of Equations


This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Algebra Applications Video Series: Systems of Equations. There are a total of 23 resources. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable MP4, transcripts, and other resources files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation.


Applications of Linear Systems, Solving Systems of Equations and Matrix Operations
Math Videos Math Video Collection: Texas Instruments Tutorial Videos


This collection aggregates all the math videos and resources in this series: Texas Instruments Tutorial Videos. There are a total of 266 resources. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable MP4, transcripts, and other resources files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation.


Rational Expressions, Sequences, Series, Polynomial Functions and Equations, Graphs of Quadratic Functions, Quadratic Equations and Functions, Solving Systems of Equations, Trig Expressions and Identities, Probability, Geometric Constructions with Triangles, Composite Functions, Geometric Constructions with Angles and Planes, Distance Formula, Data Analysis, Slope, Special Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Graphs of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Radical Functions and Equations, Rational Functions and Equations, Slope-Intercept Form, Coordinate Systems, Graphs of Linear Functions, Inequalities, Matrix Operations and Midpoint Formula
Systems Collection Math Definitions Collection: Systems of Equations


This collection aggregates all the definition image cards around the topic of Linear Systems terms and vocabulary. There are a total of 13 terms. This collection of resources is made up of downloadable PNG files that you can easily incorporate into a presentation.




Solving Systems of Equations
VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations VIDEO: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations


Systems of Equations

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations


Systems of Equations

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations


Systems of Equations

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 1: Profit and Loss Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 1


Systems of Equations


Explores profit and loss through linear functions, focusing on break-even points and business profitability using TI-Nspire for visualizations.

This video demonstrates the mathematical principles of Systems of Equations through practical applications. By focusing on real-world scenarios, it provides a unique lens to understand the interplay of mathematical models and their uses in problem-solving.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 2: Encryption Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 2 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 2


Systems of Equations


Discusses encryption using linear systems, demonstrating substitution ciphers and matrix-based encoding for secure communication.

This video demonstrates the mathematical principles of Systems of Equations through practical applications. By focusing on real-world scenarios, it provides a unique lens to understand the interplay of mathematical models and their uses in problem-solving.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 3: Ballistic Missiles Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, 3


Systems of Equations


Analyzes ballistic missile interception through quadratic systems, graphing missile paths and their intersection as solutions to equations.

This video demonstrates the mathematical principles of Systems of Equations through practical applications. By focusing on real-world scenarios, it provides a unique lens to understand the interplay of mathematical models and their uses in problem-solving.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations

Written and hosted by internationally acclaimed math educator Dr. Monica Neagoy, this video introduces students to systems of linear equations in two or three unknowns. To solve these systems, the host illustrates a variety of methods: four involve the TI-Nspire (spreadsheet, graphs and geometry, matrices and nSolve) and two are the classic algebraic methods known as substitution and elimination, also called the linear combinations method. The video ends with a summary of the three possible types of solutions. Concepts explored: equations, linear equations, linear systems.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, Segment 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, 1 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, Segment 1

In this Investigation we solve a linear system. This video is Segment 1 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations. Segments 1 and 2 are grouped together.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, Segment 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, 3 Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations, Segment 3

In this Investigation we use matrices and the elimination method to solve a linear system. This video is Segment 3 of a 4 segment series related to Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations. Segments 3 and 4 are grouped together.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
Closed Captioned Video: TI-Nspire Mini-Tutorial: (CAS) Solving a System of Two Linear Equations Closed Captioned Video: Solving a System Closed Captioned Video: Solving a System

In this TI Nspire tutorial for the TI-Nspire CAS, the Calculator Window is used to solve a linear system. This video supports the TI-Nspire Clickpad and Touchpad. This Mini-Tutorial Video includes a worksheet. .

This is part of a collection of closed captioned videos on various math topics. To see the complete collection of the videos, click on this link. Note: The download is Media4Math's guide to closed captioned videos.

Related Resources

To see additional resources on this topic, click on the Related Resources tab.

Video Transcripts

This video has a transcript available. To see the complete collection of video transcripts, click on this link.
Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Break-Even Analysis Definition--Systems Concepts--Break-Even Analysis Definition--Systems Concepts--Break-Even Analysis

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Dependent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Dependent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Dependent System

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Graphical Solutions to Linear Systems Definition--Systems Concepts--Graphical Solutions to Linear Systems Definition--Systems Concepts--Graphical Solutions to Linear Systems

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Inconsistent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Inconsistent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Inconsistent System

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Independent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Independent System Definition--Systems Concepts--Independent System

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Linear System Definition--Systems Concepts--Linear System Definition--Systems Concepts--Linear System

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Non-Linear Systems Definition--Systems Concepts--Non-Linear Systems Definition--Systems Concepts--Non-Linear Systems

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Simultaneous Equations Definition--Systems Concepts--Simultaneous Equations Definition--Systems Concepts--Simultaneous Equations

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Solution to a System Definition--Systems Concepts--Solution to a System Definition--Systems Concepts--Solution to a System

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Elimination Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Elimination Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Elimination

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Matrices Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Matrices Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Matrices

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Substitution Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Substitution Definition--Systems Concepts--Solving a Linear System Using Substitution

This is part of a collection of definitions related to the topic of systems of equations. The focus of most of the terms is linear systems.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Non-linear Systems

This slide show defines non-linear systems, showing examples of linear and quadratic systems.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Elimination Method

This slide show shows how to solve a system using the elimination method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving Systems: The Substitution Method

This slide show shows how to solve a system using the substitution method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: Solving a Linear System

In this Slide Show, learn how to solve a linear system by the elimination method.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.

Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Applications of Linear Systems and Solving Systems of Equations
INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations? INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCE: Tutorial: What Is a System of Equations?

This slide show shows what a system of equations is.

This is part of a collection of tutorials on a variety of math topics. To see the complete collection of these resources, click on this link. Note: The download is a PPT file.


Library of Instructional Resources

To see the complete library of Instructional Resources , click on this link.

Solving Systems of Equations
Lesson Plans Lesson Plan--Systems of Equations--Lesson 2--Solving by Substitution Lesson Plan: Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution

In this second lesson of the Systems of Equations Unit, students will learn how to solve systems of equations using the substitution method. Substitution is an algebraic technique that allows students to find the solution to a system by replacing one variable with an equivalent expression.

Students will:

Solving Systems of Equations
Lesson Plans Lesson Plan--Systems of Equations--Lesson 5--Solving Using Matrices Lesson Plan Solving Systems Using Matrices

In this fifth lesson of the Systems of Equations Unit, students will learn how to solve systems of equations using matrices. Matrices provide an efficient way to organize and manipulate systems of equations, particularly for larger systems.

Students will:

Solving Systems of Equations
Promethean Flipchart: Algebra Nspirations: Systems of Equations

Written and hosted by internationally acclaimed math educator Dr. Monica Neagoy, this video introduces students to systems of linear equations in two or three unknowns. To solve these systems, the host illustrates a variety of methods: four involve the TI-Nspire (spreadsheet, graphs and geometry, matrices and nSolve) and two are the classic algebraic methods known as substitution and elimination, also called the linear combinations method. The video ends with a summary of the three possible types of solutions. Concepts explored: equations, linear equations, linear systems Note: The download for this resources is the Promethean Flipchart.

To access the full video [Algebra Nspirations: Solving Systems of Equations]:

Applications of Linear Systems
Quizlet Flash Cards: Non-linear Systems Quizlet Flash Cards: Non-linear Systems Description

In this set of Quizlet flash cards test understanding of nonlinear systems.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see other resources related to this topic, click on the Resources tab above.

Quizlet Library

To see the complete Quizlet Flash Card Library, click on this Link to see the collection.

Solving Systems of Equations
QuizletFlashCards.jpg Quizlet Flash Cards: Solving Systems Using the Elimination Method

In this set of Quizlet flash cards test understanding of solving systems using the elimination method.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete Quizlet Flash Card Library, click on this link:
Solving Systems of Equations
QuizletFlashCards.jpg Quizlet Flash Cards: Solving Systems Using the Substitution Method

In this set of Quizlet flash cards test understanding of solving systems using the substitution method.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete Quizlet Flash Card Library, click on this link:
Solving Systems of Equations
QuizletFlashCards.jpg Quizlet Flash Cards: Systems of Linear Equations

In this set of Quizlet flash cards test understanding of linear systems.

Note: The download is the teacher's guide for using Media4Math's Quizlet Flash Cards.

Related Resources

To see the complete Quizlet Flash Card Library, click on this link:
Solving Systems of Equations
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: In this episode of Algebra Applications, students explore various scenarios that can be explained through the use of systems of equations. Such disparate phenomena as profit and loss, secret codes, and ballistic missile shields can be explored through systems of equations.

Applications of Linear Systems, Matrix Operations and Solving Systems of Equations
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 1: Profit and Loss Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 1: Profit and Loss Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 1: Profit and Loss

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: Profit and loss are the key measures in a business. A system of equations that includes an equation for income and one for expenses can be used to determine profit and loss. Students solve a system graphically.

Applications of Linear Systems, Matrix Operations and Solving Systems of Equations
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 2: Encryption Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 2: Encryption Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 2: Encryption

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: Secret codes and encryption are ideal examples of a system of equations. In this activity, students encrypt and decrypt a message.

This is part of a collection of video transcript from the Algebra Applications video series. To see the complete collection of transcripts, click on this link. Note: The download is a PDF file. Video Transcript Library

To see the complete collection of video transcriptsy, click on this link.

Applications of Linear Systems, Matrix Operations and Solving Systems of Equations
Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 3: Ballistic Missiles Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 3: Ballistic Missiles Video Transcript: Algebra Applications: Systems of Equations, Segment 3: Ballistic Missiles

This is the transcript for the video of same title. Video contents: A ballistic missile shield allows you to shoot incoming missiles out of the sky. Mathematically, this is an example of a linear-quadratic system. Students graph such a system and find the points of intersection between a line and a parabola.

Applications of Linear Systems, Matrix Operations and Solving Systems of Equations