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Animated Math Clip Art--3D Geometry--Slant Height

Slant Height

Slant Height


3D Geometry


This animation illustrates the concept of slant height in a cone or pyramid. The slant height is the distance from the apex to the base, forming a line along the lateral surface perpendicular to the base.

Using animated math clip art like this helps students understand the difference between height and slant height in cones and pyramids. Teachers can use this to explain how slant height is used in calculating surface area.

Here's a potential script for teachers: "Notice the difference between the height and slant height of this cone. How would you calculate the slant height using the Pythagorean theorem? Why is understanding slant height important when we calculate the surface area of cones or pyramids?"

For a complete collection of animated math clip art related to 3D Geometry click on this link: Animated 3D Geometry Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.1
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • 3D Geometry
        • 3-Dimensional Figures
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords three-dimensional geometry, 3d Geometry, defnitions, glossary term