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Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Functions and Relations
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Closed Captioned Video: Algebra Applications: Functions and Relations
Functions and Relations
This segment introduces the historical context of space exploration leading to the 2030 Mars mission. It highlights the trajectory of the Ares rocket, which follows a parabolic path as it ascends from Earth. Key math concepts include the parabola as a conic section and its role in space travel. The segment also introduces other conic sections: circle, ellipse, and hyperbola. Applications discussed involve how these geometric shapes guide scientists in launching rockets and planning space missions. This segment explains why a rocket follows a parabolic trajectory due to Earth's rotation and the rocket's independent motion after launch. Key concepts include parametric equations for modeling motion, with horizontal speed (450 m/s) and vertical speed (2700 m/s) defining the trajectory. The segment uses the TI-Nspire to graph the rocket's path and identify the parabola’s properties, like the vertical line test. Applications focus on understanding motion during the initial stage of the Mars mission, particularly reaching the International Space Station. This segment focuses on the circular orbit of the Orion capsule around Earth as it docks with the International Space Station. Key concepts include the circle as a conic section and its equation. Parametric equations with sine and cosine functions are introduced to model periodic motion. Applications involve understanding how the capsule maintains a stable orbit, completes periodic motion every 90 minutes, and prepares for the Mars journey. This segment describes the elliptical paths of Earth and Mars around the sun and how the Orion capsule follows a transfer ellipse to reach Mars. Key concepts include ellipses as conic sections, their equations, eccentricity, and quadratic relations. Applications involve modeling planetary orbits and calculating orbital equations using data like eccentricity and semi-major axis values. The segment also explores graphing ellipses with tools like the TI-Nspire.
This video offers a deep dive into the topic of Functions and Relations. It provides a historical and conceptual context to better understand the underlying mathematical principles.
Teacher’s Script: Let’s explore how this video connects to our study of Functions and Relations. As you watch, notice how the video uses real-world examples to explain the concept. Be prepared to discuss these examples afterward.
For a complete collection of videos related to Functions and Relations click on this link: Algebra Applications: Functions and Relations Collection.
Common Core Standards | CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.GPE.A.3 |
Duration | 20.07 minutes |
Grade Range | 6 - 9 |
Curriculum Nodes |
Algebra • Functions and Relations • Applications of Functions and Relations • Conic Sections • Relations and Functions |
Copyright Year | 2020 |
Keywords | algebra, functions, relations, conic sections, parabola, hyperbolas, ellipses, Closed Captioned Video |