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Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: Polygons, 3

Closed Captioned Video: Geometry Applications: Polygons, 3




Composite figures in architecture, like the Petronas Towers, combine polygons to form complex shapes. This segment examines patterns like overlapping squares and calculates areas using properties of triangles and hexagons. Applications include architectural symmetry and efficiency.

In this video, the concept of Polygons is explored through engaging visuals and practical applications. The mathematics behind the topic provides insight into the properties and characteristics of polygons, focusing on their structure, geometry, and utility in real-world contexts.

Teacher’s Script: Today we’ll explore a fascinating aspect of geometry that connects directly to real-life examples. You’ll see how shapes and designs reveal essential principles of polygons. Pay attention to how the video connects artistic and practical uses of polygons to mathematical theories.

For a complete collection of videos related to Polygons click on this link: Geometry Applications: Polygons Collection.

Duration 10.18 minutes
Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Polygons
        • Definition of a Polygon
        • Applications of Polygons
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords geometry, polygons, applications of polygons, Petronas Tower, composite shapes, Closed Captioned Video