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Definition--Geometry Basics--Biconditional Statement

Biconditional Statement

Biconditional Statement


Geometry Basics


A logical statement that is true if both parts are true or both are false.


A biconditional statement in logic is a statement that is true if both parts are true or both parts are false. This concept is important in mathematical proofs and logical reasoning. For example, the statement "A triangle is equilateral if and only if it has three equal sides" is a biconditional statement. Understanding biconditional statements helps in developing critical thinking skills and solving complex logical problems.

For a complete collection of terms related to Geometry Basics click on this link: Geometry Basics Collection

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.1
Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Points and Lines
        • Definition of a Point
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords logic