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Definition--Geometry Basics--Circumference




Geometry Basics


The distance around the edge of a circle.


The circumference is the distance around the edge of a circle. This concept is fundamental in understanding the properties of circles and their measurements. The formula for the circumference is C = 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle. Understanding the circumference is crucial for solving problems related to circle geometry, such as finding the length of an arc or the area of a sector.

How is a satellite's orbit 
related to circumference?

For a complete collection of terms related to Geometry Basics click on this link: Geometry Basics Collection

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.1
Grade Range 5 - 9
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Circles
        • Definition of a Circle
Copyright Year 2022
Keywords definition, geometry