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Definition--Geometry Basics--Midpoint Formula

Midpoint Formula

Midpoint Formula


Geometry Basics


A formula used to find the midpoint of a line segment.


The midpoint formula is used to find the exact center point between two defined points in a plane. This formula is fundamental for calculating distances in geometry, specifically when determining the midpoint coordinates of a line segment. It is expressed as 

Midpoint Formula

Understanding midpoints enhances logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities in complex spatial situations.

Midpoint Formula
What is the midpoint between NYC and LA?

For a complete collection of terms related to Geometry Basics click on this link: Geometry Basics Collection

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.GPE.B.6
Grade Range 6 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Geometric Concepts
        • Midpoint Formula
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords midpoint, midpoint formula, definitions, glossary term