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Definition--Prime and Composite Properties--Divisibility Rule for 6

Divisibility by 6

Divisibility by 6: Primes and Composites


Prime and Composite Numbers


A number is divisible by 6 if and only if it is divisible by both 2 and 3.


Prime and composite numbers are fundamental concepts in number theory. Prime numbers are the building blocks of natural numbers, as every natural number greater than 1 can be factored uniquely into prime numbers, according to the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. For example, the number 6 is not a prime because it can be divided exactly by 1, 2, 3, and 6, making it a composite number. The importance of prime numbers extends beyond simple arithmetic; they play a crucial role in various fields such as cryptography, where the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers into their prime factors is a key security feature.

For a complete collection of terms related to primes and composites click on this link: Prime and Composites Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.B.4
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Numbers and Patterns
        • Prime and Composite Numbers
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords composite numbers, prime numbers, factors, definitions, glossary term