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Lesson Plan: Cross-Sections of 3D Figures, Part 3

Lesson Plan: Cross-Sections of Triangular Prisms, Antiprisms, and Tetrahedrons

In this engaging geometry lesson, students will explore cross-sections of triangular prisms, antiprisms, and tetrahedrons. Through hands-on activities, real-world examples, and animated visuals, students will investigate how different slicing planes impact three-dimensional figures. By analyzing horizontal, vertical, and diagonal cross-sections, students will develop a deeper understanding of geometric properties and spatial reasoning.

Students will learn that a triangular prism produces triangles, rectangles, or parallelograms when sliced, while an antiprism can create polygonal cross-sections. A tetrahedron forms triangular or trapezoidal cross-sections, depending on the slicing direction. The lesson also includes an exploration of the volume of a triangular prism, where students apply the formula V=12bhH to calculate its volume based on stacked triangular cross-sections.

This structured lesson plan includes warm-up activities, guided instruction, animated visuals, worked-out examples, a review section, and a quiz to assess student comprehension. It aligns with Common Core geometry standards and helps students connect mathematical concepts to real-world applications.

Subscribers to Media4Math can download these lesson plans in PDF format for easy classroom use.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.G.A.3, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.G.B.6
Grade Range 7 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • 3D Geometry
        • Applications of 3D Geometry
Copyright Year 2025
Keywords 3d figures