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Math Clip Art--Applications of Linear Functions--Business Model 5

Math Clip Art--Applications of Linear Functions--Business Model 5

Image of the graph of the linear function for cost, with the caption, 'Here is a graph of the linear model. What are the domain and range?'


Linear Functions


This math clip art continues the series on applications of linear functions in business modeling. It presents a graph of the linear function for cost that we've been developing throughout this series. The image prompts students to consider the domain and range of this function within the context of the t-shirt business.

Visual representations like this graph are essential in mathematics education, particularly when teaching linear functions. They allow students to see the relationship between variables in a clear, visual format. By incorporating such images into lessons, teachers can help students understand how equations translate into graphs and how these graphs represent real-world scenarios.

Teacher's Script: Take a look at this graph, class. It represents our t-shirt business model. What can you tell me about this line? Consider what the x and y axes might represent. Now, let's think about the domain and range. In the context of our t-shirt business, what would be realistic values for the number of t-shirts produced and the total cost?

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Applications of Linear Functions click on this link: Applications of Linear Functions: Business Models Collection.

Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Applications of Linear Functions
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords applications of linear functions