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Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Categorizing Angles 03

Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Categorizing Angles 03

Clip art image related to Geometry Basics

Geometry Basics

Geometry Basics


This clip art image is part of a series on categorizing angles in geometry. It features an angle with the caption "Angles are categorized based on their angle measure." The image shows an angle.

Using such math clip art in geometry lessons helps students visualize abstract concepts. This particular image introduces the idea that angles can be grouped based on their measurements, laying the groundwork for understanding acute, right, and obtuse angles. By incorporating these visuals, teachers can make lessons more engaging and help students grasp complex ideas more easily.

Teacher's Script: "Now that we know angles can measure from 0° to 180°, let's look at how we group them. This image shows us that angles are put into categories based on how big they are. Can anyone guess what some of these categories might be? In our next few lessons, we'll explore each of these categories in detail!"

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Geometry Basics: Categorizing Angles click on this link: Geometry Basics: Categorizing Angles Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.C.5
Grade Range 3 - 5
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Angles and Planes
        • Definition of an Angle
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords angles