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Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Planes 05

Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Planes 05

Plane Definition


Geometry Basics


This math clip art image is part of a series about planes, providing a visual definition of a plane. It illustrates a plane as a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions. This representation is crucial for understanding the fundamental nature of planes in geometry.

Using such math clip art in teaching geometry is incredibly valuable. It offers a concrete visual representation of an abstract concept, making it easier for students to grasp the idea of an infinite, two-dimensional surface. Teachers can use this image to introduce or reinforce the concept of planes, helping students visualize what cannot be physically represented in the real world. This visual aid can significantly enhance students' understanding and retention of this key geometric concept.

Teacher's Script: "Take a look at this image, class. This is what we mean when we talk about a plane in geometry. It's a flat surface that goes on forever in every direction. Imagine a sheet of paper that never ends. Can you think of any examples in the real world that might approximate a plane, even though they're not infinite?"

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Planes click on this link: Geometry Basics: Planes Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.C.5
Grade Range 3 - 5
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Angles and Planes
        • Definition of a Plane
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords planes