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Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Regular Polygon 04

Math Clip Art--Geometry Basics--Regular Polygon 04

Equilateral Triangle


Geometry Basics


This math clip art image is the fourth in a series about regular polygons, focusing on the equilateral triangle. The illustration presents a clear example of an equilateral triangle, accompanied by a caption highlighting its key properties: 60° angles and three congruent sides.

This visual aid is particularly effective in introducing students to the simplest and most fundamental regular polygon. By explicitly stating the angle measure and side congruence, the image reinforces the definition of regular polygons presented earlier in the series. This concrete example helps students connect abstract concepts to a specific, easily recognizable shape.

Teacher's Script: "Here we have a special triangle called an equilateral triangle. It's the simplest regular polygon. Can you see how it fits our definition of a regular polygon? All three sides are the same length, and all three angles are 60°. This means they're all congruent. As we explore more complex regular polygons, remember that they'll all share these properties of side and angle congruence, just like this triangle."

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Regular Polygons click on this link: Geometry Basics: Regular Polygons Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.MD.D.8
Grade Range 3 - 5
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Polygons
        • Definition of a Polygon
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords polygons, regular polygons, geometric constructions