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Math Clip Art--Linear Functions Concepts--Linear Function Representations 7

Math Clip Art--Linear Functions Concepts--Linear Function Representations 7

Function Machine with Multiple Outputs


Linear Functions


This image shows the same function machine from the previous image, now with three different input-output examples. It demonstrates how a single function rule can be applied to various input values, reinforcing the concept of a function as a consistent transformation of inputs to outputs.

By using this visual aid, teachers can help students understand how a single function rule applies across different input values. This image is particularly useful for helping students see patterns and predict outputs for given inputs.

Teachers can guide students through this image by saying: "Here are other examples of input-output values for this Linear Function Machine. Can you see how the rule is applied consistently? What would happen if we input a negative number? A fraction? How could we use this information to create a table or graph of this function?"

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Linear Functions click on this link: Linear Functions Concepts Collection.

Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Graphs of Linear Functions
        • Slope-Intercept Form
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords linear functions