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Math Clip Art--Number Models--Ten Frame--Modeling within Twenty-Image 20

Ten Frame--Modeling within Twenty-Image 20

Ten Frame--Modeling within Twenty-Image 20




This image features a ten frame with 12 yellow counters, effectively modeling the number 12. This visual representation helps students understand how numbers can be represented using ten frames, a fundamental concept in early mathematics education.

By using this image, educators can demonstrate the concept of counting and number recognition. The ten frame allows students to visualize the number 12, making it easier to grasp concepts such as addition and subtraction by adding or removing counters.

Math clip art, such as this animated image, is crucial in teaching mathematics as it provides engaging and interactive visuals that help students better understand abstract concepts. These resources are particularly beneficial for visual learners and can be incorporated into various teaching strategies.

Teacher’s Script: "Look at the ten frame. How many yellow counters do you see? If we add one more, how many will there be? What if we remove one? This helps us understand how numbers are formed and changed."

For a complete collection of animated math clip art related to Modeling Numbers with Ten Frames click on this link: Math Clip Art: Modeling Numbers with Ten Frames Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.6
Grade Range K - 2
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Addition
        • Addition Facts to 10
    • Numbers and Patterns
        • Counting
        • Place Value
Copyright Year 2022
Keywords ten frame