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Math Clip Art--Quadratics Concepts--Analysis of Parabolas 12

Math Clip Art--Quadratics Concepts--Analysis of Parabolas 12

Parabola with One Root




This math clip art image reinforces the concept of a parabola with exactly one root, also known as a tangent parabola. The visual representation shows a parabola that touches the x-axis at a single point, similar to the previous image but potentially from a different perspective or with additional annotations. This repetition is crucial for solidifying students' understanding of this special case in quadratic functions.

By presenting another example of a parabola with one root, this clip art helps students internalize the geometric and algebraic properties of this unique scenario. It provides an opportunity for students to compare and contrast this parabola with those having two roots or no real roots. This visual aid is particularly effective in demonstrating how the vertex of the parabola coincides with its only x-intercept in this case.

The use of math clip art in teaching this concept is highly beneficial. It offers a clear, immediate visual representation of an abstract mathematical idea, allowing students to quickly grasp the significance of a repeated root in quadratic functions. This visual approach helps students develop a more intuitive understanding of quadratic equations and their solutions, which is crucial for problem-solving and real-world applications, such as modeling situations where a quantity reaches a minimum or maximum value exactly once.

Teacher's Script: "Here's another example of a parabola with just one root. Compare this to the parabolas we've seen with two roots or no roots. What makes this case special? How does the equation of this parabola relate to its graph? Can you think of a real-world scenario that might be modeled by a quadratic function with exactly one solution?"

For a complete collection of math clip art related to Parabolas click on this link: Analysis of Parabolas Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.CED.A.1
Grade Range 8 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Quadratic Functions and Equations
        • Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords quadratic functions