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Math Example--Arithmetic--Adding and Subtracting with Regrouping--Example 3

Math Example--Arithmetic--Adding and Subtracting with Regrouping--Example 3

Find the sum of 7 + 5.




Find the sum of 7 + 5. This example demonstrates regrouping: 7 + 5 = 12. The calculations highlight the importance of properly regrouping or borrowing when needed.

Arithmetic focuses on foundational arithmetic skills. The examples provide step-by-step solutions, helping students visualize the procedures for addition or subtraction involving regrouping.

Viewing multiple worked-out examples is essential for students to fully understand a concept. It allows them to see patterns and recognize the consistency of methods applied to solve similar problems.

Teacher’s Script: Let's look at this example: Find the sum of 7 + 5. Notice how we solve this by first focusing on the numbers in the ones place. Then we carry over or borrow when needed. This is a key step in mastering addition and subtraction with regrouping. Can you explain why the regrouping step was necessary here?

For a complete collection of math examples related to Arithmetic click on this link: Math Examples: Adding and Subtracting with Regrouping Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.5
Grade Range 2 - 3
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Addition
        • Addition Facts to 25
    • Subtraction
        • Subtraction Facts to 25
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords addition, subtraction