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Math Example--Arithmetic--Two-Digit Sums to 20 (With Regrouping)--Example 16

Math Example--Arithmetic--Two-Digit Sums to 20 (With Regrouping)--Example 16

Math Example--Arithmetic--Two-Digit Sums to 20 (With Regrouping)--Example 16




Example 16 calculates 4 + 9 with a number line. The steps reach 13, and regrouping places 1 in the tens place and 3 in the ones place, resulting in 13. Example 16. Find the sum: 4 + 9. Solution: Add digits in the ones place using the number line. Use regrouping to put 3 in the ones place and carry 1 to the tens place. shows this in practice.

Addition, specifically two-digit sums with regrouping, is foundational for building strong numerical skills. The examples provided in this collection illustrate various ways to solve two-digit addition problems, allowing students to visualize the process of regrouping and to understand each step more deeply.

By examining multiple examples, students gain exposure to a variety of problems, helping them identify patterns and reinforce their understanding. This collection supports students by offering numerous worked-out examples to solidify their grasp on two-digit addition with regrouping.

Teacher’s Script: Today, we are going to look at an example of adding two-digit numbers with regrouping. In this problem, Example 16 calculates 4 + 9 with a number line. The steps reach 13, and regrouping places 1 in the tens place and 3 in the ones place, resulting in 13. Notice how we carry over any values greater than 9 to the next column, reinforcing our understanding of place value.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Addition click on this link: Math Examples: Adding Two-Digit Numbers with Regrouping Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.NBT.C.4
Grade Range K - 2
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Addition
        • Addition Facts to 25
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords sums to 20, place value, addition