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Math Example: Comparing Area: Example 3

Math Example: Comparing Area: Example 3

Comparing Areas Example 3




This example presents two rectangles, A and B, drawn on a grid for area comparison. Rectangle A measures 4 units by 5 units, while Rectangle B is 3 units by 6 units. Calculating their areas, we find that Rectangle A has an area of 4 * 5 = 20 square units, and Rectangle B has an area of 3 * 6 = 18 square units. Comparing these results, we can conclude that A > B, meaning Rectangle A has a larger area than Rectangle B.

This example is part of a series designed to teach students about comparing areas of different geometric shapes. By presenting various scenarios with rectangles of different dimensions, students learn to calculate areas and make comparisons. This approach helps reinforce the concept that area is determined by the product of a shape's dimensions and that visually similar shapes can have different areas.

Providing multiple worked-out examples is crucial for students to fully grasp the concept of area comparison. Each example offers a unique scenario, allowing students to apply the same principles to different dimensions. This repetition helps reinforce the methods of calculation and comparison, building confidence and proficiency in solving area-related problems.

Teacher Script: "Let's examine these two rectangles, A and B. They look quite similar, don't they? But appearances can be deceiving when it comes to area. Can you calculate the area of each rectangle? What do you notice about the results? Even though Rectangle B is longer, Rectangle A is wider. This example shows us that we always need to calculate the area to make accurate comparisons. What strategy can we use to quickly compare areas of rectangles?"

For a complete collection of math examples related to Geometry click on this link: Math Examples: Comparing Areas Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.G.A.1
Grade Range 6 - 7
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Quadrilaterals
        • Area and Perimeter of Quadrilaterals
    • Triangles
        • Area and Perimeter of Triangles
    • Circles
        • Area and Circumference
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords comparing areas