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Math Example--Coordinate Geometry--Coordinate Systems: Example 3

Math Example--Coordinate Geometry--Coordinate Systems: Example 3

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This example demonstrates plotting coordinates in the third quadrant of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane. The image displays four points: (-1, -1), (-5, -3), (-2, -8), and (-9, -3). All these points have both negative x-coordinates and negative y-coordinates, situating them in the third quadrant.

Coordinate geometry is a fundamental concept in mathematics, and understanding how to plot points in all quadrants is essential. This collection of examples helps students visualize the relationship between coordinate pairs and their positions on the plane, particularly in the third quadrant where both x and y are negative.

Repeated exposure to different coordinate plotting scenarios helps solidify the concept in students' minds. Each example builds upon the previous ones, creating a comprehensive understanding of the Cartesian coordinate system.

Teacher's Script: Notice how both the x and y coordinates being negative places all points in the third quadrant. Can you see how this differs from the previous example? If you're having trouble visualizing this, imagine folding the coordinate plane along both axes. Feel free to ask questions if you need further clarification on plotting points in the third quadrant.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Coordinate Systems click on this link: Math Examples: Coordinate Systems Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.8
Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Coordinate Geometry
        • Coordinate Systems
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords coordinate geometry, coordinate system, coordinate systems