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Math Example--Coordinate Geometry--Coordinate Systems: Example 4
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Math Example--Coordinate Geometry--Coordinate Systems: Example 4
This example illustrates plotting coordinates in the fourth quadrant of the Cartesian Coordinate Plane. The image shows four points: (1, -1), (5, -3), (2, -8), and (9, -3). All these points have positive x-coordinates and negative y-coordinates, placing them in the fourth quadrant.
Understanding how to plot points in all quadrants of the Cartesian plane is essential for many areas of mathematics and science. This collection of examples helps students visualize the relationship between coordinate pairs and their positions on the plane, particularly in the fourth quadrant where x is positive and y is negative.
By providing multiple examples of plotting points in various quadrants, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of the Cartesian coordinate system. This repetition reinforces the concept and helps students recognize patterns in coordinate plotting.
Teacher's Script: Let's focus on how the positive x-coordinates and negative y-coordinates determine the position of these points in the fourth quadrant. Can you compare this to the previous examples and see how the signs of the coordinates affect the point's location? If you have any questions about plotting points in the fourth quadrant, please don't hesitate to ask.
For a complete collection of math examples related to Coordinate Systems click on this link: Math Examples: Coordinate Systems Collection.
Common Core Standards | CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.C.8 |
Grade Range | 6 - 8 |
Curriculum Nodes |
Geometry • Coordinate Geometry • Coordinate Systems |
Copyright Year | 2013 |
Keywords | coordinate geometry, coordinate system, coordinate systems |