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Math Example: Fraction Operations--Dividing Fractions: Example 13

Dividing Fractions: Example 13

Dividing Fractions: Example 13


Fraction Operations


This example demonstrates the division of fractions by illustrating the conversion of the division operation into multiplication by the reciprocal. The image serves as a guide to understanding the method of flipping the second fraction and multiplying, showcasing the concept of reciprocal multiplication. The result is a mixed number. Key skills include identifying reciprocal relationships, multiplying fractions, and simplifying results. This example is instrumental in helping students understand the mechanics of dividing fractions, which is a pivotal skill in mastering fraction operations.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Dividing Fractions click on this link: Math Examples: Dividing Fractions Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.NS.A.1
Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Fractions
        • Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords tutorials, fractions, numerator, denominator, reciprocal, dividing fractions