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Math Example--Geometric Shapes--Identifying Shapes--Example 2

Math Example--Geometric Shapes--Identifying Shapes--Example 2

Math Example--Geometric Shapes--Identifying Shapes--Example 2


Geometric Shapes


Identify all the squares in a group of shapes. look for square-shaped figures, ignoring size and orientation. This exercise encourages learners to find all shapes with four equal sides and right angles. highlight each square regardless of size or orientation. answer marked.

Geometric Shapes involves recognizing, analyzing, and categorizing different shapes based on their properties. By studying this collection, students gain insights into identifying geometric attributes like sides, angles, and symmetry.

Seeing multiple worked-out examples allows students to observe patterns, develop problem-solving strategies, and reinforce their understanding of the concept. This approach helps bridge gaps in learning and promotes confidence in tackling similar problems.

Teacher Script: "In this example, we focus on geometric shapes. Notice how we identify find all shapes with four equal sides and right angles. Highlight each square regardless of size or orientation. answer marked. Now, let's discuss why these characteristics define this shape. Can you find other examples with similar properties?"

For a complete collection of math examples related to Geometric Shapes click on this link: Math Examples: Identifying Geometric Shapes Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.G.A.2
Grade Range K - 2
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • Polygons
        • Definition of a Polygon
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords identifying shapes