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Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 11

Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 11

Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 11


Numerical Expressions


This example illustrates the conversion of the phrase "Eleven plus negative twenty" into a numerical expression. The image demonstrates how this verbal statement translates directly to the expression 11 + (-20), introducing the concept of adding negative numbers.

Numerical Expressions involving negative numbers are an important concept in mathematics, extending students' understanding of addition to include both positive and negative integers. This skill is crucial for solving more complex mathematical problems and understanding real-world scenarios involving gains and losses.

Exposure to examples with negative numbers helps students recognize that addition can involve both positive and negative values. This reinforces their understanding of the number line and prepares them for more advanced mathematical concepts.

Teacher Script: In this example, we see the phrase "plus negative twenty." How does this differ from our previous examples? What does it mean to add a negative number? Let's discuss how this relates to movements on a number line.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Numerical Expressions click on this link: Math Examples: Numerical Expressions: Addition Collection.

Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • The Language of Math
        • Numerical Expressions
Copyright Year 2015
Keywords numerical expressions, addition expressions