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Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 3

Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 3

Math Example: Language of Math--Numerical Expressions--Addition--Example 3


Numerical Expressions


This example showcases the conversion of the phrase "Ten added to twelve" into a numerical expression. The image highlights how this verbal statement translates to the expression 12 + 10, emphasizing the importance of order in addition expressions.

Numerical Expressions are essential in mathematics as they bridge the gap between verbal descriptions and mathematical symbols. By mastering this skill, students enhance their ability to interpret word problems and translate real-world scenarios into solvable equations.

Exposure to multiple examples of numerical expressions helps students recognize patterns and variations in language used to describe mathematical operations. This repetition reinforces their understanding and improves their ability to apply these concepts in diverse situations.

Teacher Script: Notice how in this example, the order of the numbers in the expression is different from the order in the verbal statement. Why do you think this is? Does the order matter in addition? Let's discuss how we determine which number goes first in the expression.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Numerical Expressions click on this link: Math Examples: Numerical Expressions: Addition Collection.

Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • The Language of Math
        • Numerical Expressions
Copyright Year 2015
Keywords numerical expressions, addition expressions