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Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Evaluating Linear Functions: Example 4

Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Evaluating Linear Functions: Example 4

Math Example


Linear Functions


This example demonstrates how to evaluate a linear function at a specific value. The function in this example is the function f(x) = -x + (-3), where x is replaced with a given value to determine the corresponding f(x) value. The process includes substitution and arithmetic simplification.

Linear functions, represented by equations of the form f(x) = mx + b, model many real-world relationships. Understanding how to evaluate them builds foundational skills for graphing, analyzing, and solving these equations. This collection of examples showcases substitution techniques that reinforce conceptual understanding and operational fluency.

Seeing multiple worked-out examples helps students grasp the nuances of linear functions. It enables them to identify patterns and verify their methods by comparing results with worked examples. This iterative process strengthens problem-solving skills and builds confidence.

Teacher Script: Let's examine this example together. Here, we evaluate the linear function the function f(x) = -x + (-3). Start by substituting x with the given value. Then, perform the arithmetic step-by-step. What do you notice about the result? How does this compare to other examples you've worked on?

For a complete collection of math examples related to Linear Functions click on this link: Math Examples: Evaluating Linear Functions Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.IF.A.2
Grade Range 9 - 11
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Slope-Intercept Form
Copyright Year 2022
Keywords linear functions