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Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Graphs of Linear Functions in Slope-Intercept Form: Example 10

Math Example--Linear Function Concepts--Graphs of Linear Functions in Slope-Intercept Form: Example 10

Graph of linear function with slope -4 and y-intercept 0


Linear Functions


This example illustrates the process of graphing a linear function with a slope of -4 and a y-intercept of 0. The method involves three main steps: plotting the y-intercept at the origin (0, 0), using the slope to determine a second point on the line, and connecting these points to create the linear graph.

Linear functions are a cornerstone of algebra, providing a visual representation of the relationship between two variables. This collection of examples serves to teach the topic by presenting a range of scenarios with varying slopes and y-intercepts, enabling students to observe how these parameters influence the appearance and behavior of linear graphs, particularly when dealing with steep negative slopes and lines passing through the origin.

The importance of multiple worked-out examples in mathematics education cannot be overstated. By exposing students to a diverse set of problems, they can identify patterns, internalize the connection between equations and their graphical representations, and develop the confidence to solve similar problems on their own, especially when confronted with more extreme slope values and lines intersecting the origin.

Teacher Script: "Now, let's examine our tenth example. We have a linear function with a slope of -4 and a y-intercept of 0. First, we'll plot our y-intercept at the origin (0, 0). Next, we'll use our slope to find another point. A slope of -4 means for every 1 unit we move right, we go down 4 units. Let's apply this from our y-intercept. Finally, we'll draw a line through these points. Notice how steeply this line slopes downward from left to right. How does this steep negative slope affect the rate of change in our function compared to our previous examples with gentler slopes?"

For a complete collection of math examples related to Linear Functions click on this link: Math Examples: Linear Functions in Slope-Intercept Form Collection.

Grade Range 8 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Slope-Intercept Form
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords slope-intercept form