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Math Example--Math of Money--Piggy Bank Math: Example 1

Math Example--Math of Money--Piggy Bank Math: Example 1

Math Example Image


The Math of Money


The image shows an example where you earn \$2 from mowing the lawn and decide to put 25 cents into your piggy bank for every dollar earned. The solution involves converting dollars to quarters and highlighting one quarter for every four quarters. Example 1: For every dollar you earn from mowing the lawn, you decide to put 25 cents into your piggy bank. How much do you set aside if you earn \$2? Solution: Convert each dollar to quarters. For every 4 quarters, highlight 1 quarter. Total: 50¢.

These examples illustrate how to manage money effectively by understanding saving and spending patterns. Each worked example provides a practical scenario for teaching students the basics of financial literacy.

Seeing multiple worked-out examples is crucial for students to comprehend a concept fully. By analyzing different cases, they develop a deeper understanding and learn to generalize the principles to other situations.

Teacher Script: For every dollar you earn from mowing the lawn, you decide to put 25 cents into your piggy bank. How much do you set aside if you earn \$2? Solution: Convert each dollar to quarters. For every 4 quarters, highlight 1 quarter. Total: 50¢.

For a complete collection of math examples related to The Math of Money click on this link: Math Examples: Piggy Bank Math Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.C.8
Grade Range 1 - 2
Curriculum Nodes Arithmetic
    • Measurement
        • Working with Money
Copyright Year 2020
Keywords piggy bank math, money, math of money