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Math Example--Measures of Central Tendency--Mean of a Probability Distribution--Example 7

Math Example--Measures of Central Tendency--Mean of a Probability Distribution--Example 7

Probability distribution for flipping three coins, one unfair


Measures of Central Tendency


This example demonstrates the calculation of the mean for the probability distribution of the number of heads when flipping three coins, one of which is unfair. The possible outcomes are 0, 1, 2, or 3 heads, but the probabilities are skewed due to the unfair coin. The mean is calculated using the same method as previous examples, resulting in 1.9.

This collection of examples on measures of central tendency, particularly the mean of probability distributions, helps students understand how to calculate and interpret expected values in various scenarios. By introducing an unfair element, students can observe how biases in random events affect probability distributions and means.

Providing multiple worked-out examples is essential for students to fully grasp this concept. Each example builds upon the previous ones, allowing students to apply their knowledge to more complex and realistic situations. This progression helps reinforce their understanding and improves their ability to analyze and interpret probability distributions in various contexts.

Teacher's Script: In our final example, we're still flipping three coins, but now one of them is unfair. Look at how this changes our probability distribution compared to the previous example. Can you explain why some outcomes are now more likely than others? Let's calculate the mean together. How does this unfair coin affect our expected number of heads compared to using three fair coins? What real-world situations might this scenario represent?

For a complete collection of math examples related to Measures of Central Tendency click on this link: Math Examples: Measures of Central Tendency: Mean of a Probability Distribution Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.SP.A.2
Grade Range 6 - 10
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Probability and Data Analysis
        • Data Analysis
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords mean, measures of central tendency