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Math Example--Measures of Central Tendency--Weighted Mean--Example 8

Math Example--Measures of Central Tendency--Weighted Mean--Example 8

Weighted Mean Example 8


Measures of Central Tendency


This example illustrates the calculation of a weighted mean using a collection of coins with different values. The image shows pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters stacked in columns, representing quantities of 4, 3, 5, and 2 respectively. The weighted mean is computed using the formula: (4 * 1 + 3 * 5 + 5 * 10 + 2 * 25) / (4 + 3 + 5 + 2), resulting in an average value of 8.5 cents.

Weighted mean is a crucial concept in measures of central tendency, allowing for the consideration of the relative frequency or quantity of each data point. This collection of examples helps teach this topic by providing practical scenarios, such as calculating the average value of a diverse collection of coins, enabling students to understand the application of the weighted mean formula in tangible, real-world contexts involving money.

Exposure to multiple worked-out examples, especially those with practical applications involving currency, is essential for students to fully grasp the concept of weighted mean. By seeing the formula applied to diverse situations, students can develop a deeper understanding of how weights affect the final average and how to interpret the results in everyday scenarios they might encounter, particularly those involving financial calculations.

Teacher's Script: Let's examine this example using a mix of coins with different values. How does the presence of higher-value coins like quarters affect our average compared to our previous coin example? Can you think of a real-life situation where you might need to calculate the average value of a mixed collection of coins or bills?

For a complete collection of math examples related to Measures of Central Tendency click on this link: Math Examples: Measures of Central Tendency: Weighted Mean Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.5.C
Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Probability and Data Analysis
        • Data Analysis
Copyright Year 2021
Keywords mean, measures of central tendency