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Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 12

Math Example: Percents with Double Number Lines: Example 12

Double number line for solving 55 is what percent of 220


Ratios, Proportions, Percents


This example illustrates how to calculate what percent one number is of another using a double number line. The image depicts two parallel number lines: one spanning from 0 to 100% and another from 0 to 220, with 55 marked as an intermediate point. This visual representation helps students understand the relationship between the part (55) and the whole (220) in percentage terms.

Double number lines are effective tools for teaching percentages as they provide a clear visual representation of the relationship between percentages and their corresponding numerical values. This collection of examples covers a range of scenarios, including finding what percent one number is of another, which is essential for developing a comprehensive understanding of percentages.

Offering multiple worked-out examples is crucial for students to fully comprehend the concept of percentages using double number lines. Each example builds upon the previous one, progressively increasing in complexity and addressing different types of percentage problems. This approach enables students to identify patterns, develop problem-solving strategies, and gain confidence in applying the double number line method to various percentage calculations.

Teacher Script: "Now, let's look at this example where we need to find what percent 55 is of 220. Observe our double number line. We've marked 55 on the number line that goes up to 220. Now, let's see where this point aligns on our percentage line. Can you see that it's at the 25% mark? This visual representation helps us understand that 55 is one-quarter of 220, which is equivalent to 25%. As we continue with more examples, you'll see how this method can help us solve different types of percentage problems efficiently and visually, even when working with numbers that aren't as easily divisible."

For a complete collection of math examples related to Percentages click on this link: Math Examples: Percents and Double Number Lines Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3
Grade Range 6 - 7
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords Percent, percentages, double number lines