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Math Example--Quadratics--The FOIL Method: Example 1

The FOIL Method: Example 1

The FOIL Method Example 1




In this example, the FOIL method is referred to as "First, Outside, Inside, Last" and is used to multiply two binomials. Analyzing these different representations of a function is important and provides relevant information about the quadratic expression that results. Understanding this method is crucial for working with quadratic expressions and equations.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Quadratics click on this link: Math Examples: Quadratics Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.APR.A.1
Grade Range 9 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Polynomials
        • The FOIL Method
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords FOIL method, binomial expansion