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Math Example--Quadratics--The FOIL Method: Example 16

The FOIL Method: Example 16

The FOIL Method Example 16




In this example, the FOIL method is referred to as "First, Outside, Inside, Last" and is used to multiply two binomials. Analyzing these different representations of a function is important and provides relevant information about the quadratic expression that results. Understanding this method is crucial for working with quadratic expressions and equations. In this example one of the coefficients is negative, one is greater than 1, and both constant terms are negative.

For a complete collection of math examples related to Quadratics click on this link: Math Examples: Quadratics Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSA.APR.A.1
Grade Range 9 - 12
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Polynomials
        • The FOIL Method
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords FOIL method, binomial expansion