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Math Example--Ratios and Rates--Example 24

Math Example--Ratios and Rates--Example 24

Quarterback throwing a football


Ratios and Rates


This example explores unit conversion in a sports context, specifically converting a quarterback's pass distance from yards to feet. The image shows a silhouette of a quarterback throwing a football, providing a real-world scenario for the mathematical problem.

Understanding unit conversions between yards and feet is crucial in many sports, especially American football. This example demonstrates how to use a conversion factor to change units, illustrating the practical application of multiplication in sports-related measurement scenarios.

Exposure to multiple worked-out examples is crucial for students to fully comprehend the concept of unit conversions. Each example in this series presents a unique scenario, allowing students to practice converting between different units. This repetition helps reinforce the concept and builds confidence in applying these skills to various real-world situations, including sports statistics.

Teacher's Script: Let's look at this football scenario. We know the quarterback's pass distance in yards, but we want to express it in feet. How can we convert from yards to feet? What conversion factor do we need to use? Remember, we're essentially multiplying by 1, but in a form that allows us to change the unit. Can you guide me through the conversion process step by step? Why do we multiply by 3 in this case?

For a complete collection of math examples related to Ratios and Rates click on this link: Math Examples: Ratios and Rates Collection.

Grade Range 6 - 8
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2013
Keywords ratios, rates, unit rates, proportions, solving proportions, dimensional analysis