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Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 10

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 10

Double Number Line for Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Strawberry Juice Ratio




This example introduces a four-part ratio of 5:2:1:1 for orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry juice. Given 10 cups of orange juice, students need to determine the amounts of lemon, lime, and strawberry juice required. The solution shows that 4 cups of lemon juice and 2 cups each of lime and strawberry juice are needed to maintain the ratio.

By presenting a four-part ratio, this example expands students' understanding of how ratios can be applied to more complex mixtures. It demonstrates how multiple number lines can be adapted to handle four components, with separate lines for orange and lemon juices, and a combined line for lime and strawberry juices due to their equal parts in the ratio.

Offering a series of progressively complex worked-out examples is crucial for students to fully grasp the versatility of ratios and number lines in problem-solving. Each new example builds upon previous knowledge while introducing new elements, helping students develop a more sophisticated understanding of the topic and improve their ability to tackle increasingly complex ratio problems.

Teacher Script: "Let's examine our most complex juice mixture yet, with a 5:2:1:1 ratio of orange, lemon, lime, and strawberry. If we have 10 cups of orange juice, how can we use our multiple number lines to figure out how much of each other juice we need? Notice how we've combined the lime and strawberry on one line since they have equal parts in the ratio. Can you explain why we've set up the number lines this way? How does this approach help us solve problems with more than three components efficiently?"

For a complete collection of math examples related to Ratios click on this link: Math Examples: Double Number Lines Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3
Grade Range 6 - 7
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords double number lines, ratios