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Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 2

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 2

Double Number Line for Orange and Lemon Juice Ratio




This example builds upon the previous one, using the same ratio of 2 parts orange juice to 1 part lemon juice. However, in this case, students are given 4 cups of lemon juice and asked to determine the amount of orange juice needed. The solution involves aligning the double number lines at the amount of lemon juice and reading the corresponding amount of orange juice, which is 8 cups.

By presenting variations of the same ratio problem, students learn to approach ratio questions from different angles. This example demonstrates how double number lines can be used flexibly, whether starting with the quantity of orange juice or lemon juice. It reinforces the concept of equivalent ratios and helps students understand the proportional relationship between the two quantities.

Providing multiple worked-out examples is essential for students to develop a comprehensive understanding of ratios and double number lines. Each example offers a slightly different perspective, challenging students to apply their knowledge in various scenarios. This approach helps solidify their grasp of the concept and improves their ability to solve ratio problems independently.

Teacher Script: "Now, let's flip our previous question around. If we have 4 cups of lemon juice, how much orange juice do we need to maintain our 2:1 ratio? Look at how we can use the same double number line, but this time we start with the lemon juice amount. Can you see how this helps us find the corresponding amount of orange juice? This flexibility is what makes double number lines such a powerful tool for solving ratio problems."

For a complete collection of math examples related to Ratios click on this link: Math Examples: Double Number Lines Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3
Grade Range 6 - 7
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords double number lines, ratios