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Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 4

Math Example: Ratios with Double Number Lines: Example 4

Double Number Line for Orange and Lime Juice Ratio




This example introduces a more complex ratio of 3 parts orange juice to 2 parts lime juice. Students are given 4 cups of lime juice and asked to determine the amount of orange juice needed. The solution involves using a double number line to align at the amount of lime juice and find the corresponding amount of orange juice, which is 6 cups.

By presenting a ratio where both quantities are greater than one, this example challenges students to think more deeply about the relationship between the two parts of the ratio. It demonstrates how double number lines can be used effectively even with more complex ratios, reinforcing their versatility as a problem-solving tool.

Providing multiple worked-out examples is essential for students to develop a comprehensive understanding of ratios and double number lines. Each new example builds upon previous knowledge while introducing new complexities, helping students to see patterns and relationships across different scenarios. This approach enhances their ability to apply the concept in various situations.

Teacher Script: "Now we have a slightly more challenging ratio: 3 parts orange juice to 2 parts lime juice. If we have 4 cups of lime juice, how can we use our double number line to figure out how much orange juice we need? Pay attention to how the intervals on our number lines have changed again. Can you explain why the orange juice line increases by 3s while the lime juice line increases by 2s? How does this help us solve the problem?"

For a complete collection of math examples related to Ratios click on this link: Math Examples: Double Number Lines Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.RP.A.3
Grade Range 6 - 7
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
        • Ratios and Rates
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords double number lines, ratios