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Math Video Definition 35--Addition and Subtraction Concepts--Plus Sign (Spanish Audio)
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Math Video Definition 35--Addition and Subtraction Concepts--Plus Sign (Spanish Audio)
Addition and Subtraction
Definition: Plus Sign: The symbol used to show the addition of two numbers. The example demonstrates 3 + 2 = 5 using visual representations of cars. This term directly supports the topic by focusing on the symbol that represents the operation of addition, making it easier for learners to interpret and solve problems.
The video focuses on the term Plus, providing clear explanations and examples. This video is particularly helpful for students to grasp the concept of Plus, which is central to understanding addition and subtraction.
This video aligns with the topic Addition and Subtraction. By exploring the concept of Plus Sign, students deepen their understanding of how to approach addition and subtraction. This mathematical term is foundational in building numerical fluency.
Teacher’s Script (English): Today, we will look at a video that introduces Plus Sign, which is an important concept in addition and subtraction. As you watch, think about how this term helps us understand operations involving numbers. Pay attention to the examples shown and think about how you can apply these ideas in your math practice.
Guion en Español: Hoy veremos un video que introduce el término Plus Sign, que es un concepto importante en la suma y la resta. Mientras lo ves, piensa en cómo este término nos ayuda a entender las operaciones con números. Presta atención a los ejemplos mostrados y piensa en cómo puedes aplicar estas ideas en tu práctica de matemáticas.
Note: These videos have Spanish audio and are ideal for multilingual learners.
For a complete collection of videos related to Addition and Subtraction click on this link: Math Video Definitions: Addition and Subtraction (Spanish Audio) Collection.
Common Core Standards | CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.B.3, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.9 |
Duration | 1 minutes |
Grade Range | 1 - 3 |
Curriculum Nodes |
Arithmetic • Addition • Addition Expressions and Equations |
Copyright Year | 2024 |
Keywords | addition, subtraction, equation, place value |