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Showing 131 - 140 of 2555 results

Why Do Rivers Meander?

Rivers twist and turn as they make their way to the sea. Why does this happen and how can this be explained mathematically? In this module we look at the geometry of meandering rivers. In the process we'll discover some fascinating numerical relationships.

Why Are Castles So Tall?

Why are castles so tall? In this module students explore indirect measurement by seeing how simple angle measure, height measurements, and tangent ratios can be used to calculate distances. The context of castles provides a historically relevant military purpose for the tallness of castles.

Wildlife Refuge

In this module students use their geometry and algebra skills to analyze a wildlife refuge in Nevada. Calculating the area, perimeter, and the ratio of the two allows students to analyze different configurations for a refuge. Specifically, they look at ways of designing a wild horse refuge, using the concepts they have learned. 

Apple Harvest

In this module students analyze real-world data relating to apple production and consumption. Looking at global and US data, students look at measures of central tendency by analyzing a box-and-whisker plot and later normal distribution graphs.