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VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, 3

VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Linear Functions, 3


Linear Functions


This video applies linear functions to environmental data analysis, predicting carbon dioxide levels using regression models. Key terms include regression, scatter plot, and slope. Applications highlight global warming trends and their impact using predictive analytics.

In this video, students explore the mathematical concept of linear functions, gaining a deeper understanding of its applications. The video emphasizes how this concept helps in problem-solving and real-world scenarios, bridging the gap between abstract mathematics and practical application.

Teacher's Script: "Before we dive into this video, think about the different ways linear relationships appear in everyday life. This video will guide us through a key example that illustrates the concept vividly. Pay attention to how the visualizations and explanations connect the math to its practical use."

For a complete collection of videos related to Linear Functions click on this link: Algebra Applications: Linear Functions Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.F.B.4
Duration 7.30 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 9
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Linear Functions and Equations
        • Applications of Linear Functions
Copyright Year 2011
Keywords algebra, linear functions, linear regression