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VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 1

VIDEO: Algebra Nspirations: Variables and Equations, 1




This video covers the historical evolution of equations, the role of variables, constants, and parameters, and introduces linear and quadratic equations. Key vocabulary includes symbolic algebra, parameter, variable, and constants. Real-world applications are introduced through general problem-solving using linear equations, like solving for unknowns in financial contexts.

Relevance to the Topic: This video is a valuable resource for understanding the topic of Equations. It connects theoretical concepts with practical applications, offering insights that make learning engaging and relatable.

Teacher's Script: "Before we watch this video, let's take a moment to think about how variables and equations play a role in real-world problem-solving. In this video, you'll see examples that highlight This video covers the historical evolution of equations, the role of variables, constants, and parameters, and introduces linear and quadratic equations. Pay close attention to how each example builds on the principles we've discussed in class."

For a complete collection of videos related to Equations click on this link: Algebra Applications: Variables and Equations Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.B.7
Duration 8.23 minutes
Grade Range 6 - 9
Curriculum Nodes Algebra
    • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
        • Applications of Equations and Inequalities
        • Variables and Unknowns
    • The Language of Math
        • Variable Expressions
Copyright Year 2011
Keywords algebra, variables, equations