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Video Definition 27--3D Geometry--Net for a Cylinder

Net for a Cylinder


3D Geometry


A net for a cylinder is a two-dimensional representation of a cylinder, showing its two circular bases and rectangular curved surface laid out flat.


A net for a cylinder provides a way to visualize and construct the cylinder's three-dimensional shape. It consists of two circles representing the bases and a rectangle that represents the curved surface. This representation is useful in fields like manufacturing and design, where understanding the layout of a shape's surfaces is crucial. In math education, nets for cylinders help students develop spatial reasoning skills and understand the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry. For example, a net for a cylinder can be used to calculate the surface area by determining the area of the bases and the curved surface. Understanding nets is crucial for solving problems related to surface area and volume.

Net for a cylinder
What would the net for this barrel look like?

For a complete collection of terms related to 3D Geometry click on this link: 3D Geometry Video Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.C.3
Duration 1 minutes
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • 3D Geometry
        • 3-Dimensional Figures
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords three-dimensional geometry, 3d Geometry, defnitions, glossary term