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Video Definition 42--3D Geometry--Sphere



3D Geometry


A sphere is a perfectly round three-dimensional shape where every point on the surface is equidistant from the center.


The sphere is a fundamental shape in geometry, characterized by its perfect symmetry and uniform curvature. It is widely used in fields like physics, astronomy, and engineering to model planets, atoms, and other spherical objects. In mathematics, spheres are important for understanding concepts of volume and surface area, with formulas like 

V = 4/3 πr3

for volume and 

A = 4πr2

for surface area, where r is the radius. In math education, spheres help students visualize three-dimensional space and understand the properties of curved surfaces. For example, the sphere's symmetry makes it an ideal model for studying rotational geometry and calculus.

Planets are spherical but most are not perfect spheres.

For a complete collection of terms related to 3D Geometry click on this link: 3D Geometry Video Collection.

Common Core Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.MD.C.3
Duration 1 minutes
Grade Range 4 - 6
Curriculum Nodes Geometry
    • 3D Geometry
        • Spheres
Copyright Year 2024
Keywords three-dimensional geometry, 3d Geometry, defnitions, glossary term